Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy summer 2016!!!

Last summer we had a baby and then sold out house and moved and it ended up being the summer vacation that never was. Sooooooo this summer we are gonna get out there! (I hope) 

First day of break... Badminton! 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

We made it to the Friday of the year!

May! May is the Friday of months. It's the last month of school and birthday month to over half of our family. I love it! I wish it were warmer and less rainy, but I'll take it any way I can get it. It means summer is almost freaking here. Things are crazy...and I'm all tapped out keeping up with the Loo. She climbs everything and sleeps very little. She takes little steps from the couch to the hope chest in the middle of the family room. I'm still working on getting her to say momma, but she will say hi and wave like a champ. She also knows where her nose is. She makes everybody happy and smiles at everybody when it works for her. We love our Loo! 

And because you can't unsee this...

Annnnd we have grass! Glorious, green, wonderful grass!