Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Summer is here and we survived another school year. We even made it through the crazy month of May! Hooray! Ezra got baptized and is obviously trying to be better and more helpful. He still slips up, but I can see him trying. The day after his baptism he offered to make my breakfast. I really need to get that kid to some cooking classes or something! Loo is still a handful, but she makes everybody laugh and adds so much joy to scripture reading time!

We don't have set plans for summer except girls camp AND scout camp. At least that starts next week and then in two weeks that craziness will be behind us. I get to go up to girls camp to help with dinner! I've NEVER been to girls camp. I listened to my mom and sister too much and decided to stay away from it all. Maybe some day I'll be cool enough to actuallly be called into young women's. For now I'll enjoy having one of the best callings ever...primary music leader!! My third time to have this calling and I'm still in awe of how these primary songs can teach such plain and precious truths in a way somebody as simple as I can understand. I love them! I love getting to feel the spirit as the kids learn and sing the songs with me!

For Ezra's baptism we were asked to do the special number. I asked ma to write a little interlude to combine the songs Faith and God's Love. Taylor, cagey and Mookie sang. They did good, but Jeebs said he could only hear Mookie. Great. We tried :)