Monday, December 24, 2012

Mookie killed my iphone

Mookie has slammed and dropped and smashed my phone one too many times. On Sunday it gave up the ghost. I would be posting the cutest pictures of my chillens from Sunday, but those are all on my phone. Actually Jeebs has put them somewhere on this computer, but I have no idea where. So, I'm getting a new phone for Christmas. hooray.

Also, it snowed today. Big time, white out, dumping, sticking on the roads SNOW!!! Our first white Christmas since 2004! Snow makes Christmas so much more magical. We went around our neighborhood making Christmas deliveries in the snow and couldn't even make it up some of the driveways. That's how Christmas eve should be. I love it!

And also, I wore a skirt with a broken zipper to church on Sunday. Is there a theme here? I prayed the whole time that the zipper wouldn't pop open. I told Taylor to keep a look out for my zipper for me and to say, Momma GO! as the code for me to RUN to the bathroom and XYZ. Luckily, all stayed put. I think I need to buy new skirts.

 I spent all day baking cookies and making reindeer food to pass out to everybody. I was so sick after tasting a bit of cookie dough here and a bit of cookie dough there! BLAGH! Stomach ache and now a headache, Merry Christmas to me. Sooo, Merry Christmas to all 3 of you guys that still read my blog!

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