Saturday, May 2, 2015

37 almost 38!!!!!!

We have a sprinkler fancy! Sprinkler guy brought us Tongan chop suey and it was so delicious. After he finished our sprinkler he headed out to cater a wedding...I never figured out how to get to that wedding. 
We also have grass seed!!! Hooray!
Today was also a quick trip to IKEA for some random things and a bed for Mookie which we haven't gotten yet. 
Mookie and Ezra enjoy the snacks the most, but who doesn't? 
I took an IKEA selfie...and I think that belly is ripe.
This week I also figured out how to keep the toilets spotless. I left the brush there to dry out and it stayed there for two days...I guess I'm the only one that can move it. If only I could do it to all the toilets and have everybody go out in the woods...

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