Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ice cream, fireworks and miracles

We managed to squeeze in a trip to Posado's before we left East Texas. They have free ice cream and Mooks was raising it like the Olympic torch. She is surrrrious about her "i cream".

She was also ecstatic about her roman candle. She would raise up on her toes to try and get it to shoot out more colorful balls. I had a hilarious video of it, but this little twerp erased it as she played with my phone going to sleep that night.

Ezra was in firework heaven as well. Taylor and Cagey had fun too, but I don't think this little bit of fire was as impressive as getting to light the match for the burning pile.

Also, all four of our chillrenns fell asleep at the same dang time!! Miracles never cease!! If only we could have pulled of the road and slept ourselves.

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