Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Walmart fashion

This is what I wore to Walmart. It is a sad sad day when a trip to Walmart is the only thing you have to dress up for. I guess there is Target, but their groceries are too expensive. 
Just as I was snapping these pics Taylor said, " Oh no, Mommy's taking selfies again."

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Mo' clothes Mo' money

I have pulled yet another load of clothes that look ridiculous on me out of my closet. I need new clothes, but I need a new house more. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Group hug

This is a hilarious picture of the kids hugging their daddy while we were in park city. I told him he needed to make it a goal to tell them every day that he loved them and show them more affection. This is what they got- I promise Jeebs was not stoned. He told me my goal needed to be not to say the 's' word anymore. It's my favorite. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Life is hard...but the gospel is so good

My husband gave all our children (except Ezra) a Father's Blessing last night. I am always so grateful when I see my husband exercise his priesthood. I love that he is a worthy priesthood holder and blesses our lives daily with it. Even though Ezra and Mookie were running around and making noise we could still feel the spirit and I could feel the love Jeebs has for his kids. 

And, because I need the extra lift and I am D-pressed about school being in session again, I asked him to give me a blessing as well. I was reminded of the love our Heavenly Father has for me and that He is concerned and interested in all the worries and troubles we have- no matter how insignificant they may seem to others. I have known for a while that He hears and answers prayers, but it is so real over and over again when you hear in a blessing that your prayers are heard. Every night I prayer for Heavenly Father to please bless my sister to know how much I love her and miss her because that is the best way to get a message through, right? And to be reassured and given an update of her in my blessing is the best gift ever. She is happily doing the Lord's work on the other side and looks forward to the day we are reunited. I still have a lot of work to do here, but I can't wait to see Yang again. It's a good thing my siblings and I have the relationships we have because we can go years without seeing each other and still be back to our normal selves talking like we were never apart and for that I am so grateful! Life is hard, but the gospel is so good.  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Treasure hunting!!!

Geocaching is soooooo fun. We found 2 around park city and 2 near silver lake. I am hooked!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Alpine sliding

Cagey was determined to ride the alpine slide a second time, which was good because I got to go too. 

My favorite place has changed

When I was younger I thought the best place on earth had to be the beach. After living near the beach for 5 years I can now say that has changed. I still love the beach, but I love the mountains more. I always feel totally at ease as we hike and take in the scenery. When we head back down towards the valley I feel my mood change. It's weird, but my mom is totally vindicated. We hiked to Ruth Lake up the Uintahs and it was so nice to finally get another hike in now that summer is almost over. Sad face
Ezra found a new "beautiful flower". Then the kids found a cool spot with tons of boulders and smaller rocks all around. People had left little rock formations and so the kids had to add their own. They were so proud of themselves.

Jeebs really loves me. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Olympic park museum wha?!?!

Who knew there was an actual museum up by the Olympic ski jump place in park city. Yeah, not me. We also got to see some dudes do ski jump tricks into a pool which was kind of awesome. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

On our way to park city

To swim at 9 in the morning. I'm cold!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I have a Cub Scout!!

And I think he has to be one of the most handsome ones evah! Good thing Jeebs is into scouts because I just learned today that Webelos are not a kind of animal. Yep.

Monday, August 5, 2013

This girl drives me crazy!

She wants new clothes at the drop of a hat. She hates sitting still or sharing with her siblings. She can scream louder than both her brothers combined. But, she is always willing to pose for a picture and give you a sweet kiss. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Baptism Day!

We are so proud of our sweet Cagey!