Several months ago our neighbors across the street came to the door with an electric scooter. They were moving out and didn't want to take it with them. It needed a new tube in one of the tires, but other than that it was in great shape. Jeebs took it and parked it on the back patio. There it sat for months and months. Several weeks ago I got it out and charged the battery just to see if it would still run. I got it charged and HOorah! it worked. There on the front porch (charging) it sat. Cagey would get it going every once in a while, sitting on it with the kickstand down revving the engine. But, that was all it was good for. So yesterday after being the evil queen to my children, we took them to the playground and then to Walmart for a tire tube (and milk). Jeebs got it fixed in about an hour or so and as I was working out I see him easing out of the driveway going for a ride. As soon as he got back I grabbed my sweater and sneaked out of the house. I jumped on and I was off, laughing like an idiot. It is the funnest thing ever. I always wanted a scooter when I was little and now I, I mean my kids have one. As I'm riding, wind in my hair, cold in my face and squirrels racing under my bum- I remembered my neighbors growing up had a scooter. Momma told us under no circumstances were we to ride, sit on or even touch their scooter. They offered many times to let us ride, but we were under strict orders. One day my friend brought her scooter down and parked it on the back patio. I stared at it, I pined for it and when she offered to let me sit on it I couldn't take it- I was tempted beyond my capacity to resist and I climbed on imagining racing down dirt roads and through woods. My next emotion was guilt, horrible horrible guilt for this unforgivable act I had committed. In the next few seconds momma swung open the glass door and my moments were over. "Nessa, get off that scooter! right now!" At least she caught me and I didn't have to live with hiding my transgression. And that's what I think about as I ride down our road, 32 years old, a thousand miles from momma, and giddy with a smile that I can't wipe off my face...especially when I pass other neighbors watching me from their driveways shaking their heads.
Last night after my joy ride I came in to prepare my lesson for church. I am teaching the Valiant 11 class while they are looking for a new permanent teacher. The lesson was about Cornelius. He was the first gentile to join the church. The main focus was missionary work and how everybody in the world needs to hear the gospel. It was suggested to get missionary items and share them with the class. I immediately started looking for pics and letters from my sibs. Searching through my stuff I found a pic that Page sent me from Chicago and a letter that my sister sent me from Kentucky. She sent me lots of letters, but this one I kept. It makes me ache inside, but I have to share on here in case I lose it. She starts off talking about how much she's been missing me and how she hates missing all these big things in my life I've been going through- like having a baby. She goes on to say
"Maybe it's our Heavenly Father's way of making us grow by always separating us at critical times. I can see and am learning that you CAN do it just fine without me (even though it whomps and if you do anything else without me- well we gonna throw down!) And, I can see that you just keep getting stronger and more confident (in life, spiritually, everything) and just cooler all the time. I think you already passed me up, for sure. Anyway, stop that crying, gee. I know you are. I love you and miss you. Write to me! I'll be home in a few short months.
Love, Yang"
If she only knew how right she was. Heavenly Father has separated us at this critical time in our lives and I don't know why. I just know I miss my sister every day. I hate that my kids don't know their Aunt Yang, but I know that it will all be okay. I know that all the missed opportunities in this life will be rectified in the next. I don't know how, but Heavenly Father knows and he will make it all okay, better than okay- perfect.
ps I know you're kicking missionary work in the boot-tay over there