I am not a planner, a think ahead-er, a make a list-er. It is just beyond me. Cagey's school changes from day to day. We do what I think we should do. Have we not done geography for a while? Let's do that! Yeah somehow in spite of me my children learn. We really must be hard wired to learn because I can't even remember my children's name some days in this looney bin and Cagey completes page after page of math in his workbooks with very few mistakes. Jeebs has gotten good at stuffing diapers and wipes into the diaper bag and for me that's good enough. Need a toy to keep occupied at church? Have a pen or my keys, or how about some lip gloss? If they need a rattle, my bottle of mints will have to suffice. I know this is giving my momma a nervous breakdown as she reads this- if she actually reads it. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I am behind. There is not turkey thawing in the fridge, cornbread mix waiting in the cupboard to make it's triumphant entry and no cranberry sauce in the shape of a can (actually Jeebs just bought some of that tonight- just for me though because no one else will eat it). Thanksgiving just snuck up on me. Wasn't it Halloween last week? I'm pretty sure it was because I can still scroll down on my blog and see pics of my super heroes and angry bird characters. So really it's not my fault. Nothing has been bought for Thanksgiving dinner...and really it doesn't matter. My kids hate Thanksgiving food. We asked them what they wanted and they all replied, "mashed potatoes." Yuck. Me? A big ol' pan of cornbread dressing. Don't even get me started on stove-top bluck. But, it will come together- it always does and I can't wait to lay down on the food and then roll around sick in our living room watching Christmas movies because Christmas is gonna sneak up on me too.
PS If you want to eat something D-Vine:
gingerbread blondies
These are the best things evAH. I made them for my final Relief Society lesson and they were GONE. I'm glad something went right with my last lesson because the lesson itself was a disaster! Ever taught a lesson when the whole class just started having their own conversations amongst themselves as you stood at the front with your hands in the air and your mouth hanging open? Yep.
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