Saturday, September 27, 2014

Elsa makeup

We have to practice before the real event! 
The Halloween decorating has begun! Now, bring on the pumpkin steamers!


alexandriasmomma said...

That baby is darling!!! I had such a hard time cutting out the sequin fabric for the bodice of her Elsa costume that I'm thinking about just doing the bodice in the satin with a sheer overlay. I don't know if my sewing machine needle will sew that sequined material. I'll have no problem with the sheer. The snowflakes on IT are simply glitter. Glitter which is getting EVERYWHERE, so be prepared for it, gee. I can't wait to see her all dolled up for Halloween!!!!

alexandriasmomma said...

Again I say there are not enough hours in the day to do all I'd like to do. If one is going to cook and clean, one has limited time (and energy) for needlework etc. But I HATE HATE HATE fast food. We're hating it more the older we get. Weird, huh?

alexandriasmomma said...

Does Elsa have a long blonde braid in the movie? If she does, I think you can make Mookie a braid out of yarn. I don't know how you would fasten it into her hair though.