Monday, March 19, 2012

A green booty filled weekend

There was green wearing, Irish soda bead and of course... Root beer chugging contest. Taylor won. I guess I was so stressed about not winning that at church the next day I walked into the men's restroom. Thankfully some prophetic person foresaw this day and designed the bathroom to be concealed with 2 doors. I nonchalantly turned around and acted like I meant to go check things out through the first door. When I got home my children informed me that my skirt zipper had broken and my beautiful boo-tay was there for all the world to see. I just pray it happened in the car ride home and my poor children were the only ones scarred by the sight.

1 comment:

DyessFam said...

I love you, Nersa! You totally make me belly laugh every time I get on here!