Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My screaming child...

Turns out he really likes to smile- in between screaming, that is. He smiles really big at us all the time now. Then, he'll fall apart and start screaming. I think he may be bipolar. He's growing so fast. He looks like a 3 month old baby-it's kind of ridiculous. Jeebs has a theory that he likes hot wind and he may be right. I took him out on the back patio to watch the kids jump in the water and he fell asleep sitting there. I put him in his bouncy chair out there and he slept for 30 min outside. I got on my suit and played with the kids on the trampoline. It is pretty dang fun with the sprinkler underneath and all the balls. I didn't appreciate the balls all clustering around me wherever I went- reminding me of the large indention I was making as I moved around :) Ezra is full to te gills so I guess I beter do something besides sit on my large rump- and I'm out.


DyessFam said...

Yeah, he does look as big as Ailey Grace. She's long but slender. She definitely is on a different scale than her brothers. They were both big boys and continue to be in their own ways. Its interesting watching her develop.

Wendy said...


Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I would like to share with you an article I found on screaming children from Empowering Parents. It has a lot of helpful tips.