Friday, May 22, 2009

Not how I planned

So this experience was definitely not what I planned. I was so close to delivering at home, but when my blood pressure shot up to 170/100 and I was dumping protein- I couldn't stay at home any longer. My midwife thinks my body was stopping labor to protect me and the baby. With pressures that high- labor could've just sent me over the edge and all kinds of bad stuff could've happened. So- after several attempts to induce labor at home with herbs and tinctures- my midwife decided I needed to go to the hospital that night. I was so reluctant to go, but I was scared about what the outcome would be if I didn't. We loaded up quickly and headed to the hospital. YUCK! I told them I had a midwife, but it being the way it is in NC I couldn't give them her name and they thought I had had no prenatal care. I was tested for everything under the sun- anything I turned down they would look at me like I was crazy. So- after being sent for an ultrasound and hooked to an IV after several failed pokes- they started the magnesium sulfate, which is just meant to keep me from having a seizure and/or stroke. I immediately felt hot all over and after a few minutes I felt like I had the flu. I had no energy and I could barely form words. They started the pitocin shortly thereafter, which started contractions that coincided perfectly the *#&^@* blood pressure cuff squeezing my arm. The contractions started off small and then got really intense after about 30 min. They wouldn't let me get off my side or move around to try and make the contractions easier to take- so I just waited for the nurse to leave and I got up to go to the bathroom just so I could move around. I could barely walk and I told Jeebs I just didn't know how I would have the energy to push the baby out. I got back on the bed and then started feeling like pushing against the contractions would be better so they called for the nurse to come check me. I was at a 9/9.5 and I guess she didn't think it was that close, but I knew it was. She left again and I stood up to go to the bathroom- well I didn't make it- as soon as I stood up I felt the baby move down and I leaned against Jeebs and said "Catch the baby!" I pushed and jeebs caught Ezra's head. He was calling for the nurse who apparently coulnd't be bothered until she saw the head hanging out. Jeebs said "I'm no expert, but there's something bulging down here!" It was the one funny moment. The nurse wanted me back on the bed, but I couldn't move and as soon as she saw the head she pretty much just yanked him out of me. There is no video or pictures of the process because it took about 3 hours from start to finish. I thought that would be it and my bp would go down- ha! The doctor said about 25% of women get worse after the delivery. HOoray for me. They kept me on the mag sulfate for about 36 hours. I was so swollen I could only open one eye at a time. As long as I was on that stuff I could only be on clear fluids- then at one point in the night- my liver and kidney functioning became abnormal and they were afraid I was about to have a seizure- so they took me off fluids as well. I had a cold and could only breath through my mouth. The only thing I could do was swab my mouth with these mouhwash mouth swabs. I thought that would be the ultimate torture. When my bp finally got a little more stable they sent me to a room in the mother/baby section of the hospital. 5 days and 4 bp medications later I finaly got to get the #$%# out of there. I was never so happy to see my home in my life. I will post more pics as soon as they are downloaded and I have the strength. Thanks again for all the comments.


Jake and Emily Huckaby said...

OH MY GOODNESS. I'm speechless.

Erik said...

I HATE those blood pressure cuffs. With Amelia I would tear it off, then the machine would start beeping, and I would yell for the beeping to stop. I'm sure I was the nurses favorite. I'm glad your home and I hope you got pictures of how swollen you were because I definitely want to see those (he, he).