Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fussy Buckets

Ezra has turned out to be a real fussy buckets. He is killing me lately. If he isn't nursing or sleeping he's fussing or full on screaming. I don't know what the deal is. I don't know if it was his crazy entry into the world, the meds I was on while he was in utero, or the meds I'm on now- or he has something wrong with him. I want to go to the chiro with him to get adjustments for both of us, but while on the bp medicine I am scared to drive the car. My blood pressure has been so low- I have no energy and I just feel loopy. I have my dr's appt tomorrow so I just pray I can get off of some of it.


The Airharts said...

Try Gripe water for him-it's amazing and all natural...good luck tomorrow

alexandriasmomma said...

Did you ever get some gripe water, gee? I say anything is worth trying once. It would be interesting to see what Ezzie's dr. would say if you answered his question of "how often does he breastfeed" with the truth---"he breastfeeds constantly, several times an hour, so much that sometimes he projectile vomits, and then he wants to go at it again". You can imagine what he would say. But I was like you are, I just told them what they wanted to hear---every 2 or 3 hours. HA!!! I wonder if a male pediatrician feels like an absolute FOOL telling a mother of three how to breastfeed--a subject he knows nothing about other than what to do for infected breasts--which is the wrong information anyway! They say, "don't nurse from that breast, hand express or get a breast pump". Yeah, that'll work. I feel well enough to go to town and find a drugstore that stocks breastpumps and I have plenty of money to buy one. It's late so this comment is sounding loopy. I'm pretty loopy. I think doctors are absolutely wonderful when they are helping us patch up serious injuries, or helping diagnose and treat serious illness. They have gone through hell to get their training. However, doctors have no business managing a normal labor and delivery. Gee, do you remember the name of that nursery nurse who went to the trouble to give you warning about the "order" she was given to bathe Ezra? I still would like to call her supervisor and tell her what a wonderful, competent, sensitive person that nurse is. Do you remember her name?