Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fireworks in your face

I spent the whole night before the fourth smelling brisket tenderizing in the oven. I even half woke up to switch the baby from one side to the other and said to Jeebs, "that brisket smells so good." Yes, I love brisket, I need another one all to myself. We put Meny down for her nap around 10:30 and everybody headed outside. Jeebs set up an awesome baby monitor by skyping his cell phone through to his computer. So we could hear every sound she made and and see her little head in her crib. We don't do baby monitors, it's just another one of those things that I ask Jeebs if he can rig something up and he does. We spent a couple of hours outside in the pool and Taylor said it was the best 4th of July ever. (Five minutes later she was crying because she couldn't go under the water with her earache.)

After our ultimate nap time FAIL we headed over to the McCollom's house. After we stuffed our faces with some dang good food we had our own firework show in their backyard. I'm just gonna say, I've never seen an artillery shell explode at eye level. Scary. But, we had a blast and no one caught fire. (Ezra did not like the fireworks.)
Jeebs was taking pictures with his phone in one hand and Ezra in the other. We were too lazy (again) to get the big camera out.

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