Sunday, March 24, 2013

Best left handed compliment

So many pictures of myself- this is getting a little out of hand, but oh well- there aren't that many of them in my older posts. Jeebs and I were getting ready for church this morning and I was looking at an old family picture. I asked him if I looked thinner now than in that pic. He told me, "Yeah, you look like you have been living in Africa and eating what they eat for a couple of years." Ha! Thank you, I think. This skirt has been snug ever since I bought it about 6 years ago. It's such a good feeling to not be able to fill it all the way out.

I felt really thin this morning, but then I had my chocolate catastrophe and I swear I've gained ten pounds back. I'll be regretting it tomorrow when I'm working out with 3 pounds of undigested chocolate laying in my gut.