Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A day at the beach

I decided to get out and do some relaxing with my kids. We haven't been to the beach all summer and it is the middle of july!! SOOOOO- I bit the bullet and drove the hour to the beach. It was totally worth it. Tates was a scream boogie boarding and Cagey got so much salt water in his eyes he looks high.

I love going to the beach and people watching. I always worry about how awful I look in my bathing suit. Luckily here in NC peeps at the beach aren't too worried about body image. There is an occasional person that walks by that is hotter than me (and I do mean occasional :) which makes me think "really, should a 14 year old girl look like that?" It's really so unfair.

At one point I was sitting and watching this dorky dude standing on a big surfboard with an oar, paddling around about 50 feet out. I started thinking "man, it would be so cool if a shark just came up and slammed right into his board sending him flying (and of course out of harm's way) into the water." I don't know what the heck it was, but it was one of those strange, dorky things people do that makes you think "I wish I had a stick"-I had the same thoughts watching people ride segways down University Ave. in Provo. Really my brother, Glen, would be the only one to get any of this :)


DyessFam said...

I'm glad the beach was a great time had by all! And this is a little ditty to best describe how I feel about your new blog.... I like it, I love it, I want some more of it! aaahahahahahahaha And I'm out like a light! (couldn't resist!:)

The Airharts said...

Yeah I am so excited that you have a blogspot-for some reason I could never comment on your other one.-Anywhooo, I,m glad your feeling better-I have my inlaws here right now-I'll call ya when they leave and we will get together.(are your parents still here?)

wagdog said...

Man, I need to keep a stick with me at work. BYU was full of "stick"-worthy students but I work with computer scientists (aka professional dorks of which I am one). Wish I could go to the beach...