Saturday, December 27, 2008

It was a green Christmas in this town...

Despite the fact that for Jeebs- every other place he's lived in the US had a white Christmas this year and we did not- we definitely had a fun Christmas. I know, ma, that was a horrible sentence. :)
These are our kids at 7 in the morning, anxiously waiting to see what Santa brought. Tates didn't go to bed until after 9 and she woke up at about 6:50. We let them sleep on a pad in our room so they wouldn't be tempted to go to the living room before we got up. Apparently our floor is pretty comfortable because they slept soundly all night long.

Trying out their new gear.
Cagey realizing he had to wear a helmet:)

We had a fun and relaxing day. We started our day (after opening presents of course) with cinnamon rolls and kolaches- complete with hot chocolate even though it was 60 degrees outside. Crazy that I used up so much cocoa powder and milk during the end of October and beginning of November and December, not so much. Oh well. That lasted us until about 3 or 4 when we decided it was time to heat up the smoked turkey- woohoo gobble I made stuffing and Jeebs made mac'n cheese per my instructions. I couldn't stand up anymore for all the stirring involved in homemade mac'n cheese - it turned out super tastey. I think it's because he puts about 2 more cups of cheese than I put in anything. Anyway, everything was delicious and it was the first time I can remember eating all of my turkey and hardly anything else. The kids had fun playing with their daddy and their new stuff all day. It was so nice to have Jeebs all to ourselves and not be competing with the computer screen. Cagey kept screaming "Daddy, come watch me!!" Taylor kept saying "I don't know what to play with." It was really fun. I taught myself hot to knit with Taylor's knitting set that she got from Santa. I've already knitted her a scarf. Jeebs got me a DS with Brain Age for Christmas. It is so much fun and until today my brain age was better than his :) He blasted me out of the water this morning though. Dang it!

And last and least- this is for my brothers. I tell my brother my nose swells every time I get pregnant. He used to say he couldn't tell, but then he liked to make jokes about how I looked like Jeebs busted me in the nose and lips hehehehe. I really don't care because it doesn't last forever. I'm sure it's not as big as it's going to get and it's hard to tell since everything else on me is "swelling". But here it is. Talk amongst yourselves- let me know the verdict :)


wagdog said...

"I'm sure it's not as big as it's going to get and it's hard to tell since everything else on me is 'swelling.'" Seems like that should have warranted a "that's what she said!" but I feel like I'm reaching. You pregnant gerts and your swollen noses. Sheesh! So stupid, Mouth! I hope yall had a good Christmas. Oh, your nose looks huge stank nast Gonzo-gee. And I'm out...

The Nicolaysens said...

Looks like you had a fun Christmas. We did too - Christmas is so different when you have kids - I was so excited for Eden and her gifts even if she had no idea what was going on :)