Friday, December 5, 2008

Recent happenings

Lately we've had a crazy household. Tates is losing teeth left and right.

Cagey is wearing ballet slippers. My mom got these on ebay and they were too small and too girly for Tates. So, I thought I'd try them on Cagey.And, last but not least, Tates is standing on her head. I told her any little girl that can touch her feet to her head and have a perfect point needs to be in gymnastics!!!

this last picture is of Jeebs and the kids getting the electric trains ready for our primary skit. Boys really never grow up :) Peter Pan would be proud.


alexandriasmomma said...

Yay!!! I'm the first one to comment on Taylor's teeth!!! Way to go Tates!! Cagey, don't let your mom put those ballet shoes on you!! Taylor, what a pose!! I can't even get on the floor, much less touch my toes to my HEAD!! I love you and miss you, Taters. I love you and miss you, Cagey. Y'all be good so Santa Claus won't bring you a bundle of switches!!!! Santa Claus is coming to town! Are you being naughty or nice??????????

wagdog said...

sheesh and my sisters called me the praised one. not praised enough to have my name included in a blogger id apparently... :-)