Tuesday, April 28, 2009

not today

The first thing Taters said to me this morning was, "the baby is going to be born today!" Well she's been saying it all day and unless it suddenly happens in the next hour- I don't think it will be today. Soon though- it has to be soon, right?

Today was my 40 week appointment and they were listening to the heartbeat with the doppler. The kids were playing by the fireplace and as soon as Cagey heard the heartbeat he says to taylor, "Taylor it's an airplane!" as he's staring out the window. Taylor, never missing a beat, said, "It's not an airplane, Cagey, it's the baby." It was hilarious. Taylor wants a baby sister so bad- I really think it's a boy- she said she'll be happy with a boy...while it's just a baby. I guess the older Cagey gets the more he bugs her :) Okay so I guess all that is left to do is to put up a vote- what do you think boy or girl? Again, wish I had a picture of my HIIIEEEdGE belly to put up, but I don't. It's amazing how big a belly can get- man oh man.