Monday, January 18, 2010

Right Now..

Jeebs and I are watching 24. It makes me have panic attacks, so I'm trying to distract myself by blogging and checking other websites. I've been wanting to post another one of my own recipes on here for a while and I think now is a good time to do it. This is my favorite super tasty spinach salad. I started really trying to lose weight the week before Halloween and I started making and eating this salad just about every other night. Most of the time I didn't have cheese, but when I gave myself a little leeway I added the cheese and YUMMMO. Okay so-

Spinach Salad (these are approximate measurements)

1/2 bag baby spinach
1/2 can mandarin oranges
croutons (however many you allow yourself on your diet:)
shredded asiago cheese (again, just how much you allow yourself)

Vinaigrette: (I make enough to have some extra so again approx. measurements)
2 tblsp Balsamic Vinegar
1/2 tblsp minced garlic ( I used dehydrated and just rehydrate it)
salt and pepper
4 tblsp Olive Oil

Add the vinegar to the minced garlic. Add salt and pepper to taste. While whisking with a fork add the olive oil or just mix it up in a bottle and shake. Shake shake shake:) Dress and enjoy the yumminess and healthiness of all that spinach. Let me know if you try it and what ya think. Next time- Chicken Pesto Lasagna Rollo LOL LO ok enough. Oh and my tortilla recipe that I found online ages ago- it's very easy and very tasty. I might post that one if anybody wants it. I've been looking at too many blogs. good grief. Back to my real life...

Today is my grandma's birthday. She was one of the best people in the world. My new calling is Music Leader in Primary and I am really enjoying it. But, every week I think to myself "I wish I could call grandma and ask her for some ideas and some help." She made the cutest things and had the best ideas for Primary. I just need to work on honing my inner grandma a little better. And, is it bad that I wanted to send half of senior primary to their parents yesterday? Geez louise! Anyway, Happy Birthday Grandma- I miss you and I am thankful for the great legacy you left behind.


alexandriasmomma said...

I'm so glad you remembered that yesterday was Grandma's birthday. I miss her so much. She is the best person I have ever known.

wagdog said...

Don't ever say YUM-O again.