Thursday, June 21, 2012

Oh the sweat

I guess it's good these workouts are so tough because my other videos were getting too easy to get through. But, dang uh, when I get finished with the last pike crunch my body collapses back down to the ground and cries sweat.

In cuter news- I got mookie 2 tutus from Zulilly for cheap and they are so dang cute in her I could squeal. And I don't squeal. Don't let the cute face fool you though- just seconds before this pic she was boohooing because I dared to put her down.


alexandriasmomma said...

LOVE the lavender, LOVE the outfit, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that sweet Mookie!!!!

The Nicolaysens said...

So cute! I may need to get some for my own girls... :)