Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hi bum!

Yesterday at Wal-mart I was struggling to get my groceries checked out and keep my verrah heavy baby happy on my hip when I saw the checker behind me from behind. I had to do a double take- I had never seen a bum so high before in my life. It was a true hopper bum- I can't remember who coined that phrase, but I was thinking - "that is a hopper bum if I've ever seen one!" Anyway- I know I sound like a freak, but I was thinking "is that her real bum doing that or is it her jeans? If it's her jeans, where can I get a pair? Not that it would really matter because the only person looking at my bum knows it's true form. As soon as I took the magical jeans off it would fall back down to it's sad and lowly state behind my knees and great would be the fall thereof. So, alas- until my bum can actually stand on it's own- I will steer clear of the high bum jeans.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

You are too funny.