Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Failed FHE

I've got to post this before I forget about it and this one is for the books. Yesterday Jeebs told me he had an idea for family home evening- I was excited that we actually had something planned in advance- it's usually an impromptu reading of a story in the Friend. He wanted to discuss emergency preparedness- more specifically and evacuation plan for us if the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night. We started with a scripture in D&C talking about how the Lord wants us to "prepare every needful thing" and have a "house of order." So far, so good. Then Jeebs asked the kids what they would do if in the middle of the night they heard this...(he pushes the test button on the fire alarm) Percy immediately cowered behind my legs and was shaking so hard he was vibrating the couch. After asking what they would do several times and not hearing the answer we wanted them to say- Jeebs started explaining that they should get out of the house as fast as they could through the door that is closest to them. In the midst of the discussion, Tates starts getting a little freaked out. We kept explaining that this would probably never happen, but we needed to be prepared and have a plan. Then I made the big mistake of asking what they would do if they couldn't get out of their rooms. I asked Cagey first- "Cagey, what if the fire is in the hallway and you can't get out of your room, what do you do?" Cagey answered simply "Die." LOL At this point Taylor just lost it. She was crying uncontrollably. Good grief. Cagey thought we were going to die and Tates was so into the hypothetical situation she was FREAKING OUT. Last task of the night was to practice. Jeebs simply wanted us to practice getting out of the house and meet at our previously discussed meeting place outside. By this time though- Tates was so freaked out she wouldn't go in her room without one of us still in sight. So I stood in the hallway while the kids went (very reluctantly I might add) to pretend they were asleep on their beds. Jeebs yelled "Fire, fire, fire!" and they jumped up and ran outside- Taylor sniffling the whole way. As we went back in we just had to laugh about our yet again failed FHE. Don't even get me started about the time we got locked inside the Raleigh, Temple gate!!!!!


Allison said...

Oh my word! hehe

Jake and Emily Huckaby said...


DyessFam said...

Okay, I nearly peed my pants! That was hilarific. See at the point where Tates started crying would have been the point where I would have given up and tried to do something to distract my kids. I think I would like to just observe Cagey for a day...that kids cracks me up!