Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fanny Pack ATtaCk

We are back from Disney World! My kids really don't know how lucky they are. We had a really good time and are T-totally exhausted. But, while I was sitting outside a ride Ezra couldn't go on because he was too short, I started snapping pics of people wearing fanny packs. I have many many more, but I think you get the idea. Why oh why would you wear one of these things? I admit I wore one in middle school, but I regret that decision whole-heartedly and have turned from my fashion sinful ways. Does anybody want to hear what you have to say if you're wearing a fanny pack? Let me answer that, No- you're wearing a fanny pack! If you have one, do yourself a favor and throw it away. There are better options- a backpack, a wallet with a lanyard, if you have a stroller ummm it has compartments that are not strapped around your waist sitting like a colostomy bag on your hip. If you need more email me- Really I can help you. Let's recap:

1. Never wear a fanny pack unless it's 1988- it's not now so move on.
2. Never buy your defenseless, helpless child a fanny pack ( I blame you ma).
3. Look for other options.

I have more cool pictures and excitement to share if you're not offended about the fanny packs- join me back here tomorrow.


Page said...

The worst part about it is people wear them on their stomachs or right above their looks like a tumor.

More pics of Giordanos plz

DyessFam said...

Haha! I'm totally going out to buy one right now, then I'm going to buy you a mauve (which isn't pronounced the way you say it, hehe!) one and I'm going to send it to you for your birthday.:) Oh, and since everyone seems to be dressing like its 1988 again...why, oh, why?!?!, then, well, you might want to come up with a different #1. I'm just sayin'. Glad you had fun! More pics please!

Unknown said...

That's awesome! Thanks for the good laugh and pics!