I looked down at my nails yesterday in the shower and thought, "dag, those look really good!" My nails generally grow ok, but I just let them do what they do. But, when I'm pregnant they grow and don't break at random times and lengths. SOoooo- I decided to file them nicely and paint them. They look really good. So- to baby #3- thank you for the nice nails :) The stretching that makes me feel like you're going to burst out of my uterus- not so appreciated.
I hope to get my hair done soon too- there is just always a new expense that needs to come first. I really want to get some bangs- and lots and lots of blonde highlights- I can't stand my hair getting dark. Every time I have a baby my hair looks brown and awful- this time I'd really like to look sort of like myself.
This is how I view the next 5/6 weeks:- Tomorrow is my 35 week midwife appt. Wednesday of next week is my chiro appt and I'll have a 36 week home midwife visit scheduled- woohoo! The next Tuesday- little bro flies in- massages all week :) The next Tuesday- 37th week- little bro flies back home. 38th week is Easter and little bro-inlaws birthday who is hoping for this one to be born that day :) me too :) 39th week- maybe ma will come ?!? laugh at my big nose and then work herself to death at my house. 40th week- BABY! hehhhehehe- boy or girl? 6 lbs or 8? or 9 oh my. That's the next 5 weeks- I can make it. My birthday is the first week of May- I really hope I'll have this baby before I'm 30!!!
Actually, gee, you don't look all that large to me. I'm sure you FEEL roughly the size of a baaarrrrge! But I haven't seen you in person. HAS your nose swollen this time? hehehehehehe
By the way, that's NOT why I bought Pinocchio! I just think it's a lovely movie! I crack myself up!
I wish your little bro were here tonight! I NEED HIM. He is absolutely the BEST. Heather Crockett told me that all the best massage therapists are men. I believe that, too. Mom always used to say that men were the best pianists as well. Van Cliburn is one example. I must admit, I DO like the way men play. I'm sure it has something to do with their upper body strength.
I am totally with you on the hair thing. I like my hair really blonde with lots of highlights too. You don't look too big - keep going, you'll have this baby before you know it :)
I agree with yo mama. You don't look big at all. I think its a boy. That's my vote for now. I think it would be really funny if you had the baby the day before your birthday...hehehehe! I'm just jealous over the massages. Its not fair! I'm gonna go throw a tantrum now. :)
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