Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jeebs loves legos...

and Glenn Beck (oh and his new phone). The kids bring Jeebs random legos throughout the day and I guess he put them to good use.
Tates took 13 cents to school today to donate to the Africans for water. So many things about that make me laugh and shake my head. Ezra likes to flip through my scriptures and say "Jesus"- he also would not come out of Quizno's today until I handed him his little container of pickles to eat on the way home ( I didn't have a free hand to drag him kicking and screaming). Cagey asked me (while Jeebs sat between us) if I would ask daddy to DVR the new Wipout this week. Me- I'm just insane and my belly could be a public service announcement against teen pregnancy.

We also showed our house!! It was too small for the people- but at least we showed it! They came early so we were still putting away the vaccuum cleaner, taking out trash yada yada. We were running out and I noticed that 1. there was dog poop in the front yard 2. I missed wiping off some of the chrome polish off the kitchen faucet 3. Cagey's water cup was still sitting on his shelf in his room and 4. dog poop was still dried up in the garage. Awesome.

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1 comment:

alexandriasmomma said...

I love that lego phone stand!! That is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen!!! Well, ONE of the most hilarious!

Jeebs, you're hilarious. Don't let the psychos get you down. You know who I'm talking about.

Dog poop. It never fails to show up in inconvenient places.

I think it's so sweet that Ezra knows the scriptures are about Jesus. Children always seem to be able to recognize pictures of Jesus.