Monday, October 20, 2008

Life is Good

Ya know when lots of things are going wrong- you sometimes are freaking out and you think what else could go wrong? Well, we've been having lots of things go wrong lately, but strangely enough I just feel ok with everything. I just know things will eventually work out. I know Heavenly Father sees the big picture and I just have to enjoy the ride. So, I'm not going to let this stuff get me too down and I'm going to enjoy the fact that my kids are healthy- I got to hear my little baby's heartbeat last week and so far my groin hasn't started hurting YAY! I guess things that don't kill ya make ya stronger- because before I lost my sister and all the things that happened to our family and to her- these little blips would seem huge. But, like my mamma says, "any day I wake up and nobody is being diagnosed with cancer, it's a good day!" Amen.

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