Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A sad day...

Today was a sad day in the Nicolaysen household. My baby girl, Taylor, wears a size 7! I bought a little gymboree outfit on ebay that was a size 7. I thought "it'll be roomie, but she'll be able to wear it soon". Oh, I tried it on her when we got it today and it fits perfectly. I couldn't believe it. A 7!?! She will be 6 in a couple of weeks so it's not really a huge difference, I usually buy her a size bigger so she has room to grow. But, 7 makes me so sad- that's a little girl, not a baby or a toddler. I can't believe I have a baby in kindergarten/1st grade. She is growing up way too fast and so is Cagey. My mom always told me not to wish away my life and I've always wished different parts would get over- like when will they sleep through the night? when will they potty train? Well, I have both of my kids sleeping pretty much through the night and both completely potty trained. It's seems like only a few months ago I was gaining 3 pounds a week pregnant with Taylor, wrapping Cagey in a blanket and putting him in his crib, changing diapers and going to Good Earth every other week for organic baby food. I've decided I'm going to really enjoy this pregnancy- as long as everything goes well. Having had all the problems I've had, I'm paranoid every day. I haven't worked out in a week and a half and I feel like a total pudge, but that's ok- there'll will be plenty of time to lose weight after all my babies make it here safely. Please let this one make it here safely!

1 comment:

DyessFam said...

I second that! Embrace the pudgyness, become one with the pudge....its the only way....heheheh. By the way, you are a nut! Why you got to be addin' a numbrer 11 to my list? Shoo. You so crazy tryin' to get in on my list. mmm-hmmm. hehehehehehee. Now you do a thankful list and I'll add my own version of #11. Mmmmmmwwwwaaahahahahahaaha!