Monday, October 13, 2008

Shake it to the left, Shake it to the right

Peel your banana and OOMPH take a bite! That was a cheer I learned in kindergarten and for some reason it plays through my head all day long.

Anyway, Taylor has taken a new interest in coloring. She says she wants to be an artist. She has colored 5 pictures of horses in the last few days. Yesterday was a traumatic day for her- she had that worried expression on her face and told me her tooth hurt. I looked at it to see if she had a cavity or something noticeable, but I couldn't see anything. She told me she put it back in place with her tongue. I immediately got excited and sad at the same time- she's going to lose her first baby tooth! All of her primary class seem to have already lost several of their baby teeth so now she'll fit in with the rest of the crew. She didn't take the news so well that her tooth was going to fall out. She was crying and boohooing for about 20 min about it. Then I told her about the tooth fairy and she thought for a while and then thought of a new worry. "What if I wake up in the middle of the night and see the tooth fairy?" good grief. She has way too much of her mother in her. I drove my whole family crazy with my constant worry about dying. "I'm gonna die!!!" - they should've made me a t-shirt. Sorry mamma, daddy, glen, and yang- I think Page just tuned me out.

Cagey got a haircut on Saturday- he was very upset about it. I don't know what he hates about getting a haircut, but I tried a few days before Saturday and he had such a reaction I gave up. When I got back from putting the clippers away he said "did you put away the sharp?" Anyway, I started shaving his head and Jeebs came running around to the back of the house to make sure Cagey wasn't getting killed. He really hates it. I missed a few random hairs, but at this point it's really not worth the struggle.

I have my first doctor's appointment tomorrow and I will be exactly 12 weeks- according to the ultrasound guy from the ER. I'll be able to hear the heartbeat- and I just pray that everything is okay. This baby is already making me lose a lot of sleep. I'll have a full report tomorrow after my doctor's appointment. I'm sure every orifice will be violated in some way. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to have a home birth. I really DO NOT like the idea of having another hospital birth, but I really don't know about all the legal issues. I'm hoping that we will move before I have to make that decision. I had a dream last night our realtor was telling us that we had 4 offers on our house and there were 2 that we really needed to consider. Maybe that's a good sign:)

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