Yes, we are the mucus gang. Cagey is doing better- but now Tates is wheezing and hacking like a smoker. Jeebs is still hacking and this morning I woke up with a dang sore throat. What in the heck? I bought some MORE zicam, but they didn't have the nose swabs at Walmart so I had to get the nasty spray. Anyway- fun stuff.
My feet feel like bloody stumps. I walked all over walmart today and then went for a walk- then walked through Target and I think I should just cut them off :) I have had so many contractions today- I wish I were further along so I wouldn't be stressed about them and I could just enjoy it and be like- hmmm am I going to go into labor soon? But, no, at 31 weeks, I do not want to go into labor. When I was pregnant with Cagey I had lots of contractions too and kept thinking- there is no way I'm going to make it to 40 weeks- oh he was born ON his due date at exactly 40 WEEKS!! So, I keep telling myself- if I can just make it to 37 weeks- and then I think "yeah, I'm going to make it to 37 weeks and still be going strong!"
On Saturday Jeebs and I went to Kinston to test drive a Yukon XL- it turned out not great and the salesman guy was no help. While test driving that car we happened to see a dealership with a Tahoe and a Suburban for sale. It happened to be the dealership our old Bishop had told us to go to and ask for a guy who is in the Stake and he'd give us a good deal. So, we happened to get the guy's son helping us and he figured out we were LDS when Jeebs said we had most recently moved from utah. Anyway, we got a good deal (what we thought was a good deal) and went ahead and traded in our truck for a Tahoe. So, yay, I have a Tahoe again. This one will be the one we drive into the ground. I happened to say in the guy's office that I wanted to get into an SUV before the government made it impossible to get one. He said he had a lady come in just recently that bought a corolla. As she was leaving she said "I'll be back when I get my stimulus money." He asked her just out of curiosity what she thought she was going to get and she said "I'll at least be able to buy a CADILLAC!" She was completely serious. Anyway, just out of curiosity I'm wondering how many people out there think they'll be able to afford a cadillac because Obama is going to send you the money- so I'm putting a poll on the side of my blog. Just interested to see who thinks they're going to get enough money to buy a luxury car.