Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I hate flats!!

I've always been able to wear whatever kind of shoes I want to wear- never even thought about it. My eyes were generally drawn to something with a heel because I liked to look a little taller and I just never saw many flats that I really liked. Since being pregnant with #3 I have not been able to wear heels of any kind. I have a pair of shoes that were my every day slip on and go shoes - they have about a 2 1/2 inch wedge- not high at all, just enough lift so I"m not flat on the ground. Nope- can't wear those. I realized this one Sunday- on Sundays I would have horrible backaches and be barely able to walk when i got home. Yep- high heels. DAG! So- I switched to only flats. I can now say I can totally sympathize with my mom who has never been able to wear the shoes she wants- especially high heels. She had polio when she was younger that settled in her right arm, leg and foot. She always told us that she wanted us to bury her in the highest high heels we could find. I can totally understand now. I HATE FLATS!! I realize a lot of you out there are going- you're a freak, they're so comfortable- yada yada. Well maybe so- but I really hate the look of them on my feet. I've always had ankles that fall in on themselves- with flats it's just very obvious how funky my feet and ankles are. I also hate the way my legs look in flats- blagh. I am all about fashion over functionallity and comfort :) sorry. I have a pair of black suede oxford very high heels- I've worn them a total of 3 times. They look like Ginger Rodger shoes and I love them. They are in no way comfortable- but I love them and 3 hours at church- I can handle it :) I so miss my shoes!!! I look for shoes online as sort of a hobby now. All I can look at to buy now are flats- so sad. I'm already planning what shoes I want to get for the baby's blessing. Pretty bad when you're thinking about what shoes YOU want to wear for your baby's blessing more so than what you want your baby to wear :) Actually if I have a girl I already have the perfect outfit- I got it when I was pregnant with Cage before I knew he was a boy- I really think the baby is a boy though. In that case- I'll be trucking it on over to 3 Little Fishies for something super cute. I don't know how this post evolved from hating flats to blessing outfits, but oh well. I've got to go do something today even if it's wrong. Jeebs spent the night in Raleigh yesterday so when he gets home tonight maybe the house will be clean and a delicious meal will be prepared waiting for him on the table. :) if only I could walk a little easier. DAG stupid flats

1 comment:

alexandriasmomma said...

What can I say? Her Grandma Wagley was a heel-wearer too as well as her Great-Aunt Marion. Actually, Aunt Marion is the heel-wearer to end all heel-wearers!!! Vanessa comes by it honestly! If I could wear heels I would!!! Aunt Marion used to wear high-heeled tennis shoes and that is no joke!