Monday, February 16, 2009

Day old donuts

You ever put on a pair of pants and think "Oh, I must have just washed these," and then you find something in your pocket that was from the last time you wore the pants (and it shows no sign of being washed:). Well, it's annoying, but that's what happens when I'm pregnant. I gain weight by the day - woohoo!! Oh well, everybody is still trying to get over their colds. Cagey is still coughing- Jeebs still sounds congested and Sunday morning I woke up feeling like a train hit me. Jeebs and I had to do the switcharoo about 3 times on Sunday. So- in total- we made 3 trips to and from the church. what fun!

Is everybody so happy that the "stimulus" plan has passed?? Woohoo- 4.2 TRILLION dollars of tax payer money is going to be taken and spent on ridiculousness. Hello communism- hello everybody being fat, happy and comfortable in their poverty. Ridiculous. I didn't think such bad things would start happening this quickly under the Obama Regime. Hooray we have at least 8 more years of this!!

Okay- enough political rantings and ravings... I am now 30 weeks!! woohoo!!!! I could quite possibly have a baby in 7 weeks! I feel very unprepared. I still have to get the baby clothes bins out of the attic and dig out all my newborn stuff. I need to order my Moses basket from Restoration Hardware, I need to buy my brother's plane ticket to come out in April to work on me, I need to start gathering my birth kit and all my homebirth supplies, I need to order my 6 week formula etc. Ya see- I gotta get busy. Man, I can't believe I've pushed 2 babies from my loins and I'm going to do it again! sometimes I am so ready and sometimes I get a little panicky. OH well, no turning back now right :)


DyessFam said...

Girl, I'm hearing ya! There is no turning back now. I thought that I would be less apprehensive about pushing out a third baby, but this time is different. Before, I had one epidural, and even though I didn't the second time, the OPTION was still there. This time....yeah, NO OPTION! That's a little worrisome to me at times, but then I remember all the chaos and stress of the times before and I know that's not going to happen this time. Now, I'm going back and forth between being ready for this baby to come out so I can have the inside of my body back to myself and not being ready for all the early morning feedings!:) I'm also wondering if I'm going to realize I'm in labor in time to get everything I need done. Aaaahhhh, it'll all work out!

alexandriasmomma said...

Does anyone out there want to hear MY rantings and ravings about this administration and about the "evils of the dole"? Ezra Taft Benson abhored the evils of the dole, which include WIC, welfare checks, food stamps, etc., basically anything that is given to you that you have NOT earned. It has been taken from someone else who DID earn it to be given to you. It ASTOUNDS me that those very same people who don't think it's bad to take WIC or foodstamps drive very nice cars, wear very nice clothes, have many nice things such as computers, cell phones, IPODS, etc., etc., ad nauseum. Do you even REALIZE that there is no such thing as a free lunch? That when you receive free medical care through Medicaid to have your babies that MY husband is paying for it? My CHILDREN are paying for your children? How do you sleep at night? What has happened to the REAL Americans who detest charity (WIC, foodstamps, monthly checks)? What has happened to those who would sell their nice car, their excess possessions, shave their expenditures down to the bare bones in order to be able to hold one's head up? Do you even know what I'm talking about? NO ONE minds helping those in true need, but I object to my husband's salary, my sons' salaries being taken by force and given to you who do not deserve them. If you need grocery money, SELL something! It's amazing how much money you can save when you buy basics and learn to cook with them. Your children will be healthier and you will learn how to be frugal and to save for a rainy day. I, unlike Vanessa, don't CARE if I step on anyone's toes. Y'all don't care if you steal money from the taxpayers that you have not EARNED.

When my mother was in the nursing home, I overheard a conversation between two young women who worked there. One of them wanted to "sit" for my mother (and believe you me, she did just that, she SAT on her big bum and watched television when she could have been making my mother comfortable. She didn't last, I got rid of her.) She was talking to a friend about how she had turned down extra work hours because if her check was too much, her welfare would be cut. This was a young woman who was the mother of four children. Her "husband" worked off and on. This young woman carefully worked out how many hours she could work and still receive money taken from working taxpayers that she HAD NOT EARNED. That same kind of thing went on all over both the nursing homes my mom had to endure. Do any of you see the total unfairness of this? It's not the taxpayer's fault that she is under-educated. It's not the taxpayer's fault that she likes to drink and thus is on probation for DWI. She never told me THAT part when she approached me about "sitting" with my mother. It's her choice to have 4 children and her responsibility, along with her husband, to care for them. By the way, I'll bet she could buy lots of milk and juice and formula with the money she spends on booze!!! But no, GIVE UP SOMETHING SHE WANTS???? NO!!!! Give me my WIC check!!!!!

I feel like the sacrifices my dad made during WWII have been spit on. He fought, and many others fought and died, to preserve the freedoms that have died in the last 30 days. It was all in vain. We are now a communist country. Things will not improve for years and years. I hope those of you who love the freebies will finally be ashamed enough to realize what you are doing. PLEASE educate yourselves. Read the Constitution, The Federalist Papers, The Communist Manifesto (I'm afraid some of you out there will LOVE it). Get off of your lazy rumps and economize to be able to do without your "freebies" which are anything but free. They come with a terrible cost. If you can't afford something, DO WITHOUT! Now that's a novel concept. Vanessa's mother-in-law could give all of us tips on economizing. She and Tim have lived frugally all of their lives and now live in a beautiful, but not ostentatious home. I give them props for their self-discipline! I have some friends nearby who live in modest homes, and don't owe anyone a DIME. They do business on a cash only basis. They are self-sufficient and frugal. They've never had insurance, they pay for their own medical care and they ask for nothing from anyone. They do many acts of quiet service. Their husbands work hard doing work that some of you would probably laugh at. But the joke's on you. They have self-respect. You don't and perhaps you don't even realize it. Standards? How old-fashioned! People who went on the "dole" during FDR's reign were ashamed to take government food. They did everything they could to hide the fact that they were "on the dole". Not today, baby!!!
Support your families YOURSELVES and have the courage to believe the truth, ok? When I think of how Vanessa's daddy worked two jobs............... There was a time that we qualified for free lunches due to the number of children we had and Charles' one income. Do you even THINK that I CONSIDERED IT? NO WAY!!! I would have been SO EMBARRASSED!!!! I made their lunches everyday....... It can be done, people. Turn off Oprah and get busy.