Saturday, February 7, 2009

Everybody is sick!

So- Tates was sick and then Cagey got sick and now Jeebs is sick!! Wonder who is going to be next?? blagh. Today we went to the health food store to get some vitamins and to see if they had the 6 week formula. The 6 week formula is an herbal blend that helps your body prepare for labor, works out your uterus, shortens labor etc. Anyway- they didn't have it and the guy that runs the joint had never even heard of it. This does not inspire confidence. Luckily, I still have 5 more weeks before I need my 6 week formula so I'll either order it online or get it in Raleigh. After that semi-wasted trip I went to Target. I just have to say that I get sick of people invading my bubble. I had enough of that when I lived in Utah. I swear people in Utah do not respect personal space- do not invade the bubble!! When I'm pregnant- my bubble enlarges (along with the body). People in Target were walking way too close behind me. When I can hear your every word and smell yo' stanky breath- you are WAY too close. Okay, glad I got that off my chest :) I'm not even going to go into the annoyance that was Quiznos today- let's just say I felt like Elaine on that Seinfeld episode where she's stuck on a super crowded subway car the whole episode. Luckily- I got out of there without screaming, going into labor, or cursing :)

1 comment:

alexandriasmomma said...

I just want to say that out of four pregnancies, I took 5-week formula for ONE of them. My labor lasted 4 hours and Nessa weighed 9 pounds and 12 ounces. My first two labors were 8 hours each and my fourth labor was 12 hours. Everyone can come to their own conclusions. My babies were all over nine pounds.