Friday, August 13, 2010

THE Smell

The summer my parents took my sister to college they left my older brother and me at home. We were to fend for ourselves and "hold the fort down" while they sauntered around Utah. After a few days alone we discovered something off in the kitchen. The something off grew into something horrible, something we could only describe as "THE Smell". Because every bad smell you smelled before this smell paled in comparison to this smell. The odor wasn't as offensive as our frustration in trying to find the dang source. We scrubbed the stove, washed the cupboards, mopped the floor and even pine sol-ed the door frame because I could have sworn it was in the darn paint! We didn't figure it out until momma and daddy got home. Daddy was cleaning up and unleashed the all of our (uncharacteristic) frantic cleaning we could not accept that the smell was something of this earth...and we completely missed the pot of rice a roni that had been sitting covered on the stove for 2 solid weeks.

There has come again in my life a smell. I can not find the source and I can only describe it as another SMEll. This time it's in my bathroom. I have mopped, I have wiped, and I have scrubbed- I am fairly certain there is no pot of rice-a-roni- in my bathroom. I can only trace it back to my bath mats. I have washed and I have bleached and still as I knelt by the bathtub to wash my baby bug it was there. It was lingering on the side of the tub or maybe under my knees or maybe under the tile or in the paint? I donno. Where is it coming from? Why is it invading my bathroom? Who is doing this to me? When is it going to stop? aaaghhhhh

1 comment:

wagdog said...

Man the weird thing about that was I think the smell was leeching into the paint. Remember how you could smell it strongest when you put your nose right on the wall? Most likely it was just the proximity of said wall to the pot on the stove. That was so nasty. I can't believe we missed that. Dumb.