Friday, August 27, 2010

While Tates is away

We will ummmm do these things.

Dear Yang,
If you have some time will you please give Tates a little extra guardian angel coverage? I'm sure she needs it at school. I think she's doing okay, but she cried today because she was falling behind. Give her pencil a little extra push, please. I know you're busy, I hope you're happy. We miss you and every night I finish my prayers (cuz sometimes I don't, I fall asleep before finishing because I'm stanky) I pray for you to know that, so I know you know.


ps Can you believe I posted a pic of myself on my blog sans makeup?

pps Can you believe I know how to use the word sans?

ppps Am I using the word sans correctly?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First of all you are beautiful without makeup! I wish I looked that good with out my paint on. (:
Secondly, I have similar prayers asking the Lord to tell Mother how much I miss and love her. I bet they are together with Page and Grandma and Grandpa Wagley and are probably laughing way too much, maybe a little irreverant and still getting important work done. I hate that we can't all go at the same time. Living without them is painful.