Monday, February 7, 2011

FHE failure part dos

I used to love FHE as a kid. Mostly because that meant momma had baked a treat and my sister had thought up some kind of cool game. It sometimes ended with all of us being mad enough to punch a baby- but my little brother was the only baby around and you didn't want to mess with him- he was an ox (and he'd probably retaliate by throwing a brick.) So- I decided today that I wanted to have better family home evenings. We would have a theme for the month- short lessons, fun games and hopefully some kind of little treat (sweets give me heartburn and make my bum swell so...yeah).

I thought this month needed to be, 'Love is Spoken Here'- my kids used to sing that song all over the house- over and over. I knew this was gonna be great. I had a short story to read about service and some hearts that I was going to make a little game out of. If they found a heart on their pillow when they woke up then it was their day to say or do something loving for someone. Thirty seconds before we started- boom, bang, crash! An angry daddy, a disobedient angry with attitude child and a anything but love being spoken in our house. I was in no mood to even give my lesson and I know when you don't feel like praying that's what you need to do, but the wind had been completely knocked out of my sails. We started, but after all that was done and said during our lesson and game explanation we didn't even feel like it could be closed with a song and a prayer. I think Satan called at one point and told us we were doing great! Awesome.

I managed to get over my irritation and realized that Jeebs and I were the ones that really needed the lesson-- if we don't speak lovingly to our children how are they ever going to learn it? So, I tried to end on a positive note and figured out some minute to win it games, since my kids are so into that show (and wipeout, but that'll have to wait until summer0 stay tuned). Eventually everybody was enjoying our evening at home. That's why Heavenly Father gave us the atonement. He knew we'd fail and fail again, but we have to keep trying and striving for excellence- and that's what I learned in FHE.


wagdog said...

I don't remember anything from the five or less FHE's we had growing up. Oh wait. I do remember people getting mad and one of my sisters whining about "hurry up so we can eat."

captcha:bearee - I'm bearee happy to leave a comment.

alexandriasmomma said...

Glen, WHY are you telling FAMILY SECRETS???? This is another reason blogs should be banned.