Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Percy Pukie

Sometimes Percy does funny things that make me think he is a good dog. Like in the above pic he is sleeping in a little hole underneath my white shams. (It was cold in my house last night- forgot to turn back up the heat) He usually tries to get on top of my white shams which makes me want to kill him. By the way I don't want to hear anything about "poor dog hasn't got a bed?" NO, he does not, he had a bed and then he ate it and pooped the stuffing out in the yard.Most of the time he does annoying things like this ^ when I have to take him in and vacuum him off. Or pukes a big pile of chocolate vomit in the middle of the boys' room after consuming all of Taylor's valentine chocolates. argh.


alexandriasmomma said...

Poor Perce. What does the caterpillar info say? Can you not clean out the jar or will that disturb the cocoons?

Amy and Josh said...

My Bella looked excitely like this today!!! She needs a trim so all this grass won't stick to her like glue!!! Very annoying!