Friday, June 10, 2011


These signs are in the parking lot at Tryon Palace in downtown New Bern. It makes me want to vomit- especially since most people coming to see this place (and spend their hard earned money) have more than 2 kids and can't fit their family into a prius. YOU ARE NOT SAVING THE PLANET PRIUS OWNERS!! Get over yourselves. I will drive my gas guzzling SUV until the gov't pries it from my cold dead fingers.

1 comment:

wagdog said...

Man if that is all the sign said, I would park anything I drove there. There is no indication of how low the level of emissions must be nor is there something that states how fuel efficient your vehicle must be to park there. 15 miles to the gallon? Yep, more efficient than an 18-wheeler. I'll go ahead and park here, thanks.

captcha: iminessa - What we call my sister when she tries to rap. Will the real Iminessa please stand up?