Sunday, June 19, 2011

Because she can't say it herself...

and because her hair is so cute and fluffy...


Unknown said...

You are so creative and she is so so so cute!!!!

alexandriasmomma said...

Love ALL the pics, gee, even though the Minimook looks JUST LIKE A MINIJEEBS!!! DANG! What is UP with that??????? Oh well, she's cute anyway!!! j/k

We finally got a heavy rainshower today!!! It has been WEEKS since we had rain. I got the bathroom almost all painted today! I'm going to wait until daddy takes the old toilet out and then rush in and paint back there right quick. It's very difficult to paint behind a toilet and do it well! Randy, where are you?????

Crawfords said...

so cute!! congrats on the new baby.

DyessFam said...

I LOVE her fluffy hair! LOVE!