Sunday, September 28, 2008

4 years ago today

My sister passed away exactly 4 years ago today. It's always a rough day and I have to make myself not think too much about the last few days with my sister. I made the mistake of laying in bed last night and thinking too much. I cried myself to sleep, but fortunately I had unisom running through my veins so I was able to sleep easier.

My sister was one of the best people ever. She was such a great example to me my whole life. I remember when I was pregnant with Taylor and she was on a mission. I was so sad that I didn't have my sister there to share in the whole pregnancy thing with. Taylor was 9 months old when she met Yang for the first time and she just took immediately to her- which with Taylor that was saying something. I didn't have any qualms at all about leaving Taylor with Aunt Yang Yang. I think Taylor knew she was the closest person to mommy and that her aunt loved her almost as much as if she were hers'. I remember one day when Taylor was about to turn 1, Yang and I went to Old Navy to get her a cute outfit for her one year old pictures. We were so excited to find the cutest sweater, cord skirt, and ribbed tights for her. It was always so much fun to shop with my sister because we have the same love for shopping and the same tastes in most things.

When Yang was diagnosed with cancer we were all sure she'd be okay. We didn't want to accept any alternatives and I just knew that my sister, who was so full of life and the love of life would pull through somehow. She had so many friends that just knew she was going to get better because they could not believe that something so bad would happen to someone so good. I think about my sister everyday and we pray for her every night. I hope she is still happy with the life she is leading now. I get so jealous sometimes of the people that get to be around her on the other side and benefit from all of her talents, happiness, and goodness. I have to say I'm so thankful for a righteous sister that taught me so much. I can't believe it's been 4 years- Jeebs says I should just look at it as one year closer to getting to see my sister again. I am so thankful families are forever. My sister used to say she just wanted us to all live together in one big house (meaning our parents, sibs, husbands, wives, children) so we could all see eachother any time we wanted. She isn't with us in the flesh, but I know she isn't far. I miss you gee.