Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Hurricane Season!

Well, tropical storm actually, but it didn't have the same ring. We survived the storm, only an hour or so of power outage and a lot of wind. All is well on the eastern front-unless Ike decides to turn. We couldn't help getting out and taking some wind pictures. Enjoy...

Percy really enjoyed the wind- kind of like sticking your head out of the window of a moving car.

Unfortunately, Cagey and Jeebs don't have enough hair to demonstrate the windiness so we just have pics of the hairiest ones in the family. Hair on the head that is :)

1 comment:

The Airharts said...

Good job getting pics-I was so disapointed by the lameness of it that I didnt even try. Um-how in the world am I going to teach the 10th AofF song-GEEEZE