Sunday, September 14, 2008

I love eggs

I love eggs, from my head down to my legs, scrambled or fried- with the family or guys I LOVE EGGS. Okay so I really love eggs. They're good for you, lots of protein and they're fast and easy to make. We go through over 2 1/2 dozens of eggs a week. This last flat went fast because I tried a new frittata recipe that used 10 eggs. It burned and all went down the sink. Stupid new recipes. I've been ruining a lot of things lately. Oh well.

So my parents made it through the storm. They just got power back after almost 24 hours without it. My mom says the storm was bad and it just kept on- they were under a tornado watch all day yesterday. Anyway, my mom had her TV, freezer and a little fan hooked up to their generator so she was living large. They didn't have church today either because our stake center was full of evacuees.

I made a gymboree order last week. I'm so excited to get some new fall clothes for my children. I wish I could go to the store, but with gas prices going up Greenville is getting farther and farther away :) OH, in other news, they just opened a Red Robin in Jacksonville. For about 2 seconds a chili chili cheeseburger sounded really good, but now...not so much- I think a salad or a wrap would be better. The whiskey river bbq chicken wrap is dang tasty. After putting on my denim skirt for church and having it feel significantly tighter on my hips and thighs-yeah a salad would definitely be the wise choice :) RED ROBIN YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


Missy/Hadley said...

I was wondering about your fam and the storm-you should have her take pistures-send them to you-then put them on your blog. I want to see. Eggs=yuck

DyessFam said...

Eggs are super delicioso!!!!! Yummmy! My mom was fine through the storm and Sam's parents had some trees blow down and they were without power for a while, but everything is fine now. My granny had some shingles blow off, but she's already gotten up on her roof and fixed them. She's so funny! She's also gone over to my mom's house and mowed and weed eated her yard! She's 77 and still doing all kinds of stuff. I love it!