I told myself I was going to go to Lowe's and only get a few plants to plant in our back flowerbed for a very small garden.
But then I got there and saw these cool foxgloves (the tall lavender, white things) and then I saw these cool dahlias- and a couple of other things that I thought were cool too:) Ezra thinks eating dirt and rocks is cool too.
Then these random little boys came over to our house and ruined our gorgeous day. They picked on Taylor and told her if she didn't let them jump on the trampoline they would put bubbles in her eyes. I don't know where these kids came from, but I asked where their parents were and they said, "my daddy's at work" or "my mom doesn't care where I am." Stay home with your children. You think they're being cared for and watched by someone responsible, I'm sure. But, no, I'm watching your little darlings- run through my yard, harass my kids, and disturbing the peace. And guess what? Your little darlings- ain't so darling.
No makeup today- blagh- feeling fat and ugly and ready to throw it in- but look how cute Ezra is.