Saturday, April 3, 2010

last bit of Utah

My brother's dog, Veda, loved Ezra. I think she thought he was her puppy. Every time I put him down she was right there to get herself a wet lickery kiss. what movie? 50 pts and no, Jeebs you can't play.


Nessa and Jeebs said...

just to help out, i haven't watched the movie with the subtitles on, but i believe it's "liquory"... although "lickery" is appropriate in the veda/ezra relationship

Nessa and Jeebs said...

liquory doesn't make any sense!!! unless someone is drinking? were they supposed to be drinking? don't get it- get outta my comments

wagdog said...

Vaeda, not veda. GOSH!

wagdog said...

and your movie was Goonies...duh

alexandriasmomma said...

I didn't know how to spell your dog's name, either. Thanks for clearing up that MOST IMPORTANT POINT!!!! hehehehehehehehehe