What do you get when there is nothing on TV- you've had a day full of whining, vomit and chiro appts- and you've been looking at way too many fashion blogs??? You get Vanessa's Friday Fashion!!! And, I know all of you are thinking what is the fabulous Vanessa wearing today. Well- think no more... I am wearing an outfit I've worn about 20 times- but I love it. the main reason I love it is because I don't have to layer this top. I have been so freaking hot since we got back from Utah. blagh. (I miss Utah in the fall so much)
I'm wearing my chambray shirt from Maurices- which already has a dang hole in it. Thank you Maurices for having such fabulous quality clothes. Gap capris that I rolled up
I say again- Jeebs is so long suffering. Maybe I should not do a fashion Friday post. What do ya think? I think I need to pick up my living room before I take pics in here and post for all the world to see. oh well.
more like Fashion Failday
lol- i know
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