Okay- I'm getting off track. I made an amazing discovery and y'all probably all know about it already, but it's amazing to me. Do you have water spots all over your faucets that you can't wipe off? Probably not, but I do. Whenever we show our house I like everything to be clean and as shiny as possible. I clean my bathrooms and make it all nice, but my faucets always look dull even after cleaning them. I've tried baking soda, vinegar, windex, a combo of all three- bathroom cleaner- yada yada. Nothing made them super shiny. I bought some silver cream at walmart and tried it today, but it didn't do much either. I finally decided to try my glass top stove polish. I had tried it before when we were showing our house and it looked like it got rid of a bit of the spots, but I didn't have enough time to keep polishing and scrubbing. WELL, I did this morning! I rubbed that stuff on there and VOILA! a shiny beautiful faucet. It took a heck of a lot of elbow grease and polish (note to self: get more polish) but I can see myself in those suckers now. They look brand new and it makes me so happy. Homemakers of the world UNITE! Behold...
(as I loaded up this picture Ezra held his hand under it like he was going to catch some water drips)
and after:
Annie Annie Annnie ANNNNNIIIIEEEE!
You also can use an SOS pad - that cuts way down on elbow grease!
Great discovery! I'll have to try that.
I like using Maas. It get all kinds of stuff clean!
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