Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Chocolatey Chippy DAy

Yesterday I got my new dryer!! YAY! it won't fit in my laundry hutch- so the doors are now hanging open- never to close again:) Before all that happened I called to get Taylor's immunization records in case we decide to start public school (blagh). Well, her doctor's office doesn't have them in the system, they're in storage because we haven't been in a while- so it will take them at least 2 weeks to get the records. So I called the doctor here that Cage has gone to to make her an appointment for a 5 year checkup because maybe they could get the records faster. Well, they can't get her in until Sept. 4th, school starts August 22nd. I also called another elementary school to see if they take transfer students and how much the transfer fees are. Well, you have to through the board of flippin' education to do that and the fee is around 1300$. SOoooooooooooo- to homeschool or not to homeschool. I'm all for homeschool- better education, controlled environment, just better all around. I just wanted to try her in public school just to see if she'd like it because she gets so bored during the day. So we'll see what happens. I still haven't made up my mind. She says she wants to stay home another year in one breath and then she wants to try school in the other. This is just the cherry on top of all the other things going on. So I have had a few more chocolate chips today than I usually allow myself :) I'll pay for it later.

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