Thursday, August 14, 2008


That's what I thought it was when I was little :) I've always been scared of a trimmer/edger whatever it is. But, today I conquered my fear and got out our new cheap trimmer and went to work. It's actually pretty fun. I knew Jeebs wouldn't have time to do it tonight and tomorrow night is Friday and I'm always hopeful there will be some kind of fun event- an outing of some kind. Anyway- it needed to be done and so I did it. Cord flying off and stinging my legs, grass flying up all over my clothes, and the shear power of my 30$ electric trimmer vibrating in my hands. hehehehe. It's better than mowing and I get to be outside getting something accomplished.

After I weed eated- or would it be ate? I went for a quick rollerblade around the neighborhood. It's one of my new favorite thing to do. I always imagine myself in the Olympics- thighs as big as tree stumps, skin like boot leather, looking like a man and racing on rollerblades through the poop-filled streets of China. if only.


DyessFam said...

Yer skeerin me! Seriously, rollerblading through poo?! I don't know which to be more worried about, that or the desire to have man-legs! hhehehehehehe

DyessFam said...

you did NOT just bring up the Australian jiggler!!!!!! ahahahahaha. Yeah, that was not a good in-ride movie!! hehe. I wonder whatever happened to them. I hope they weren't scarred for life by our weirdness!