Sunday, August 24, 2008

My old classmate won an Olympic Gold...

Tonight I watched my old classmate from BYU win an Olympic gold medal. Ryan Mylar, #9, plays on the Olympic men's volleyball team. He was in one of my sociology classes and we did a group project together- It's pretty cool watching somebody you know from school win an Olympic gold medal. That was my senior year- so I guess that was 2002? then he was playing professional volleyball in Italy- or so he said. And just because I don't have much else to say on that subject- Cosmo, the BYU mascott, or the guy that is in the Cosmo suit- was also in that class. He was super nice and cute. And, oddly enough, his sister was friends with my sister somehow- small world.

My other claim to fame- and if my sister were still alive she would be rolling her eyes at me for writing about this because I brought it up every day of my freshman year- My first year at BYU in my Calculus class there was the main girl from the movie Rigolleto (sp?). Which really wasn't a huge deal because it was just one of those feature family films that nobody's ever heard of and also it was a really large class- But, everyday I would drive my sister nuts talking about the Rigelleto gert in my class hehehehe- good times, good times.

I guess this post wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention the fact that my sister worked with Ken Jennings- the famous Jeopardy guy- you may have read my post about this on my vblog. But, if you haven't- now you know. He really was a cool guy- even though he did pick on me and call the African people my people hehehe:) Man, I guess I did have a good time at BYU, even though I didn't get any dates (that was for you Elizabeth).


DyessFam said...

All, I have to say is you are a bum head. And for your info, I have a separate pillow case that oddly enough, my youngest son steals from me so that he can wrap it around himself and walk around with it. My pillow is special because its one of those memory foam pillows. I really don't have a good night's sleep if I have to sleep on a foreign pillow. Just so you know, I'm sticking my tongue out at you!

Jake and Emily Huckaby said...

Without you I would have never seen Rigoletto. sigh...