Wednesday, November 26, 2008

For todayborday is Baking Day!!

Today I get to bake! I've actually got nice cool weather to do it in too. Okay- I've been baking a while, but today is the official baking day. I have to make my pie and my cornbread for the stuffing- it has to sit out over night to dry out a bit- and if I am feeling adventurous I may make this caramelized apple spice cake I made last year for Thanksgiving that was so good you could roll around in it. It would probably be better to roll around in it because it wouldn't make you as fat- oh well. I really shouldn't make a cake and a pie because there are only four of us, but ya know. Choices are nice right :)

I'm so ready to start my Christmas celebrations- yesterday we busted out the Mannheim Steamrollers and I made some gingerbread just to eat. It smelled so good baking in the oven and that mixed with the Christmas music and the cold weather- fantastic! Jeebs has already gotten down my bin of Christmas decorations too. There are a few new decorations I want to make this year - and I can't wait to start making Christmas treats to give away.

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